Have you ever felt totally and completely numb? Numb beyond recognition? So numb that even you can't believe that it is actually you? I have been feeling so these days. Something seems wrong, terribly wrong and it's as if my heart knows that it's coming and preparing me for it before it strikes. I walk through the streets feeling nothing at all, wondering why I'm not happy. I see my friends and don't really feel anything at all. They are so happy to see me and I try, so hard, to feel something but nothing comes. I talk to my partner but I don't feel the same wealth of emotion as I used to. Something is changing and it's happening fast. And somehow, I don't have any idea how to stop it.
Things have stopped affecting me too much. It's as if a switch has been turned off and nothing can turn it off. Perhaps I am thinking too much and perhaps I am not. I wonder what it is that my heart is shielding me from. I hope I am wrong. I really do. Because if I'm not then something bad is about to happen. Something that will change me and my life. For better or for worse, I just don't know.
My heart is silently crying but crying for what, I don't know. Does any of you feel this way ever? Is it just a phase or is something really about to change? I wonder....