Wednesday, January 27, 2010

26th January- Republic Day celebrations at Pehal!

Never before did Republic Day hold such meaning for me.
Republic Day celebrated at Pehal (our NGO) was one of the best events ever! The children are amazing and it was lovely to see how happy they were! More than that, it was soo very encouraging to see that all the parents showed up to see their children! It was a heart warming sight to see that all the efforts put in by the volunteers finally paid off.
Pehal is an initiative to educate the children of migrating workers who fail to admit their children to school due to the nature of their work and their limited wages. Our project will come to an end when the construction in this site is finished. But what we hope for is that the parents can see the importance of education for their children before our time with them expires. So let's work for the best and give all we can.

So here is a glimpse of the day that was-

 Our chief guest, Uttam sir who has taken the initiative of teaching the children, stands beside the Indian Flag to tell his beloved students what Republic Day stands for.

Republic Day Decorations

The team spirit

Our tiny tots with their parents in the audience



what a wonderful glimpse into a day of your life and your country! thanks so much for sharing - and it's always wonderful no matter the country when parents participate with their children, isn't it? great photos - again, thanks for sharing!

Deboshree said...

@Jenean- Thanks for dropping by!!
Yes, what is success worth when your parents are not there to appreciate it? And even if they can't be present at the moment, it is lovely to know that they care and they would stand by you through it all.

Lots of love